Beyond deforesting and polluting, illegal mining impacts gender relations: findings of a study conducted in Madre de Dios, Peru
The SERVIR-Amazonia Program, in collaboration with its local partner in Peru, Conservación Amazónica - ACCA, has conducted a study to identify, understand, and explain the roles, weaknesses, and opportunities of men and women in the Madre de Dios region, as well as...
Geospatial Technologies Capacity Strengthening Program was Successfully Completed by 22 representatives from Colombian Institutions
During a warm ceremony held in August, which was attended by Luis Ernesto Rodríguez, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the National University of Colombia (UNAL), 22 students were certified in geospatial tools and technologies to enhance their skills in...
Empowering Women in the Caribbean to Monitor Mangrove Forests and Acquire Leadership Skills
Empowering women in scientific and technological areas is one of the SERVIR-Amazonia Program's cross-cutting themes. To this end, a new workshop was held last August on the “Empowerment Women in Mangrove Forest Monitoring and Leadership”, hosted by the Alliance of...
Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator, explores progress of SERVIR-Amazonia on the campus of the Alliance of Bioversity & CIAT
Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator and former U.S. Senator, visited the campus of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT in Palmira, Colombia in early August. Accompanied by a delegation from the space agency, representatives from the United States Agency for...
July-September 2023 climate forecast points to an above normal fire season in western Amazon
Adapting free, open-source imagery and data to improve Ecuadorian forest-monitoring and management
Author: Anais Offley with support from Andréa Puzzi and Rodrigo Torres. In the years prior to 2022, the Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition (MAATE) realized it needed to update its forest-monitoring data collection system. It was...
Four Amazon basin countries trained on hydrological forecasting tools
A series of workshops on the use of the GEOGloWS portals (jointly developed as part of the Applied Science Team or AST led by investigator Jim Nelson to provide scientific data to decision-makers) held between June 12 and 15 was given to government institutions that...
SERVIR-Amazonia boosts the launch of four new NASA projects
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has launched four new Applied Science Teams (AST) projects that the SERVIR-Amazonia Program will support over the course of 2023 to complement its conservation and climate change mitigation work in the Amazon...
SERVIR-Amazonia boosts careers in geospatial and environmental technology for professional women in Latin America and the Caribbean
Continuing their efforts to promote the inclusion of more women in science and to strengthen their network of female professionals, the Arizona State University (ASU) Knowledge Exchange for Resilience Program and SERVIR-Amazonia, held a "Train the Trainers: Empowering...
Trinidad and Tobago strengthens capacities in the use of geospatial tools
The Caribbean nation finishes its first training program delivered by SERVIR-Amazonia. In 2022, SERVIR-Amazonia began a training program on the use of geospatial tools in five Caribbean countries: Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, and...
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