by Carmen Calle | Oct 6, 2023 | Deforestation, English, Peru, Publications
The SERVIR-Amazonia Program, in collaboration with its local partner in Peru, Conservación Amazónica – ACCA, has conducted a study to identify, understand, and explain the roles, weaknesses, and opportunities of men and women in the Madre de Dios region, as well...
by Carmen Calle | Sep 4, 2023 | Barbados, Brazil, Caribbean, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Events, Gender, Guyana, Mangroves Monitoring, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago
Empowering women in scientific and technological areas is one of the SERVIR-Amazonia Program’s cross-cutting themes. To this end, a new workshop was held last August on the “Empowerment Women in Mangrove Forest Monitoring and Leadership”, hosted by the Alliance...
by Carmen Calle | Aug 16, 2023 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Events, Peru, Services, User engagement, Water Resources and Extreme Events
Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator and former U.S. Senator, visited the campus of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT in Palmira, Colombia in early August. Accompanied by a delegation from the space agency, representatives from the United States Agency for...
by Carmen Calle | Jun 21, 2023 | Brazil, Capacity Development, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Peru, Services, User engagement, Water Resources and Extreme Events
A series of workshops on the use of the GEOGloWS portals (jointly developed as part of the Applied Science Team or AST led by investigator Jim Nelson to provide scientific data to decision-makers) held between June 12 and 15 was given to government institutions that...
by Carmen Calle | Jun 14, 2023 | Brazil, Capacity Development, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Events, Gender, Peru, Spanish, Uncategorized
Continuing their efforts to promote the inclusion of more women in science and to strengthen their network of female professionals, the Arizona State University (ASU) Knowledge Exchange for Resilience Program and SERVIR-Amazonia, held a “Train the Trainers:...
by Carmen Calle | Apr 13, 2023 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Events, Peru
In March, a four-day collaborative meeting took place at the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT in Palmira, Colombia, that brought together in one place, the geographic information systems, and technology (GIS/GIT) specialists from the SERVIR-Amazonia...