Women in GIS advance their prosperity in the workplace
A group of 23 women from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana and Peru, attended the training “Advancing Women’s Prosperity in the Workplace.” This course was conducted by Arizona State University and the SERVIR-Amazonia Program with funding from SERVIR Global.
First steps for SERVIR-Amazonia in the Caribbean
SERVIR-Amazonia began the second quarter of 2022 by visiting five Caribbean countries, expanding the geographic impact of its Program.
Collect Earth Online helps fight illegal mining in Amazon
In a recent blog on the SERVIR Global Website, the co-developing service team of the Radar Mining Monitoring tool RAMI, composed by the Peruvian NGO Conservación Amazónica (ACCA), the Ministry of Environment and the Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), describes how...
Locally Led Development Drives Climate Action at the SERVIR Amazonia Hub
To date, the SERVIR-Amazonia hub has been developing 11 geospatial services collaborating with more than 30 partner organizations across the Amazonia region. Read this article featuring five examples.
Colaboración con NASA-SERVIR acerca entidades peruanas cada vez más a poder reducir el riesgo de eventos hidrológicos extremos en Perú
Los días 11 y 12 de abril Conservación Amazónica – ACCA, uno de los socios del Programa SERVIR-Amazonia, coordinó la visita del Dr. Jim Nelson, líder del Equipo de Ciencias Aplicadas y de la NASA-SERVIR, en el marco del codesarrollo del servicio sobre reducción del riesgo de eventos hidrometeorológicos.
Encuentro en Ecuador con implementadores del servicio en reducción del riesgo de eventos hidrológicos
Los días 7 y 8 de abril la Fundación EcoCiencia recibió en Quito, Ecuador la visita técnica de una delegación de SERVIR-Amazonia.
Potential use of TerraOnTrack by indigenous women of the Origens Brasil® network
Indigenous women and women of isolated rural communities express interest in using geospatial technology to protect community forests in the Brazilian Amazon
Using Geoserver for visualization, storage and web sharing of spatial data
The training about the use of an open source server for sharing geospatial data – Geoserver was held virtually between February 8th and 10th for members of 17 Amazonian organizations.
Applied Science Teams: The last mile towards completion of geospatial services
In their last year of collaboration with SERVIR-Amazonia, the first cohort of Applied Science Teams (ASTs) aims to complete services with partners in the Amazon. ASTs support SERVIR in developing science applications for international development through the use of...
University of Arkansas and SERVIR-Amazonia, committed to increasing co-development capacity of geospatial solutions
With the participation of more than 50 professionals specializing in geographic information systems (GIS) from the six countries covered by the SERVIR-Amazonia program, a three-hour interactive training session in Geospatial Version Control took place on February 15.
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