Year 3 Communication Highlights of SERVIR-Amazonia
Communications is a key vehicle for increasing the presence of the Program with stakeholders. Activities in Year 3 focused on three objectives: 1) Communicate broadly about service co-developments in the media, 2) Strengthen existing Consortium partnerships and promote new ones, and 3) Feature cross-cutting levers
At a glance: SERVIR-Amazonia achievements of Year 3
Y3 of the Program represented a significant advance in the accomplishment of our overall Program goals as we continued implementing a strategy that combines service co-development activities and focalized engagement with the regional stakeholders.
Voluntarios Digitales: Experiencias compartidas en el Foro de Ciencia Ciudadana y Mapeo Participativo para mejorar la toma de decisiones ambientales
En este primer blog – de cuatro en camino – resumimos lo más destacado de la bienvenida a este Foro y del primer tema: Voluntarios digitales
SERVIR-Amazonia firma acuerdo con el Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Fenómeno de El Niño (CIIFEN)
La colaboración busca el mejoramiento de predicciones hidrometeorológicas y monitoreo de ecosistemas de manglar en Ecuador
SERVIR-Amazonia to engage with Caribbean stakeholders to foster geospatial service development
With additional funding from USAID, SERVIR-Amazonia will span over a 2-year period and cover Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Suriname, Belize, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Women farmers and extractivists in the Amazon, what can a GIS tool add to their lives?
The women of Paraíso SDP are not able to know the exact size of their crop areas, as well as the environmental and conservation conditions of these areas, and an app using geospatial information could help them estimate the productive potential of different resources within the territory.
At a glance: SERVIR-Amazonia’s special session at the Global Landscape Forum
In this session of the Global Landscape Forum GLF Amazonía: The Tipping Point, SERVIR-Amazonia and partners explored how advancements in geospatial and Earth Observation technology are enhancing forest monitoring, disaster forecasting and evidence-based decision-making in the Amazon biome.
Fires in the Amazon: What You Need to Know in 2021. A Webinar Recap
Did you miss our webinar Fires in the Amazon: What You Need to Know in 2021? You can catch up now by seeing the full agenda, watching the full recording of the webinar, and download the presentations. Read the summary on the Website of Amazon Conservation
2021 Forecasts show average fire risk in the southern Amazon, in contrast to 2020
Fires in the Amazon are the result of human activities, including the use of fire for deforestation, land clearing and agricultural maintenance.
Don’t Miss the Conversation on the Perspectives of Indigenous Women of the Amazon
We will have a dialogue between five women leaders about how, from their role and identity as indigenous women, they have managed to face limitations, face their traditions and become leaders of indigenous organizations.
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