Impulsando un enfoque de género en los servicios de SERVIR-Amazonia
En enero 2020 se llevó a cabo la primera Jornada de la Comunidad de Práctica Género e Inclusión Social….
Primer Memorándum de Entendimiento con la Universidad del Rosario en Colombia
El Memorandum promueve el intercambio en materia de investigación, innovación y monitoreo de la minería ilegal.
SERVIR-Amazonia leverages the power of the global network
A representative group of the SERVIR-Amazonia team participated at its first SERVIR Annual Global Exchange (SAGE) in Cambodia during February 3-7, 2020.
Protecting the natural seawall of Guyana with a sustained monitoring and evaluation systems of mangrove forests
Mean high tides exceed land elevation by as much as 2 m along the Guyana coast.
Service prioritization at SERVIR-Amazonia leads to concrete action plan
The comprehensive exercise of assessing the needs with users of geospatial information for environmental decision making in Peru, Colombia…
NASA grants four Applied Science Teams to improve environmental decision making with SERVIR-Amazonia
The Applied Science Teams support SERVIR in developing science applications for international development through the use of Earth observations. Team members conduct applications research, development, and testing, and participate in capacity building. From 94...
SERVIR-Amazonia co-designs first services to tackle deforestation with partners
To allow countries of the Amazon basin to improve environmental decision-making using geospatial data and information, SERVIR-Amazonia works with regional partners to understand needs, and then to translate these needs into the development of tools, products and...
A Must Watch: SERVIR-Global Program Manager Dan Irwin’s Ted Talk
"NASA has accomplished some pretty incredible things since it was founded in 1958. From landing on the moon, exploring the outer reaches of our galaxy, and imaging planets far, far, away... For many, the associations stop here, but for Dan Irwin - the co-founder and...
Twelve needs identified by Colombia to leverage its geospatial information on the Amazon
Download the workshop report (in Spanish only) Read this post in Spanish On 28–29 August 2019, the “Consultation about the Needs of the SERVIR-Amazonia Program Users” workshop was held in Bogotá, with the participation of representatives of 32 governmental,...
What is going on with the Fires in the southwestern Amazon? A short assessment by SERVIR-Amazonia
SERVIR-Amazonia, an initiative of USAID and NASA, shares the Amazonian population’s concerns in regards to the impacts of fires currently affecting the Region, and renews its commitment to collaborate with populations, governments, research institutions, international...
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