Women in spatial data science

Women in spatial data science

To make visible the work of women in spatial data science and how they use it in their work, R-Ladies and Fundación EcoCiencia, as part of the commemoration of Women’s Day, held the event “Women in Spatial Data Science”, on May 7, 2024.  The invited speakers...
Six Caribbean Countries Strengthened in Geospatial Technology for Mangrove Protection and Hydrological Event Monitoring

Six Caribbean Countries Strengthened in Geospatial Technology for Mangrove Protection and Hydrological Event Monitoring

Since its establishment in 2005, SERVIR Global has collaborated with numerous countries worldwide to promote the use of satellite and geospatial information in decision-making to strengthen weather and climate resilience, agriculture for food security, water security,...
SERVIR-Amazonia boosts careers in geospatial and environmental technology for professional women in Latin America and the Caribbean

SERVIR-Amazonia boosts careers in geospatial and environmental technology for professional women in Latin America and the Caribbean

Continuing their efforts to promote the inclusion of more women in science and to strengthen their network of female professionals, the Arizona State University (ASU) Knowledge Exchange for Resilience Program and SERVIR-Amazonia, held a “Train the Trainers:...
SERVIR-Amazonia delivers geospatial technology training to improve local resilience in the Caribbean

SERVIR-Amazonia delivers geospatial technology training to improve local resilience in the Caribbean

Capacity-building workshops delivered in Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana to strengthen mangrove and hydrological event management. SERVIR-Amazonia provides training on geospatial technology capacity-building to governments, universities, research...