Understand, quantify, and monetize the value of mangrove ecosystem services in Guyana, a winning strategy
Mangroves retain carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. They can store up to 10 times more carbon than land-based forests and are estimated to capture and store 34 million tons of carbon globally. Mangroves protect the lives of inhabitants of coastal areas from floods,...
Roraima é o terceiro estado brasileiro a aderir ao programa SERVIR-Amazonia
O Governo de Roraima, por meio da Femarh (Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos), assinad parceria para apoiar as ações de monitoramento e georreferenciamento das áreas do Estado. A parceria fornecerá soluções por meio da utilização de dados ópticos e...
Discover the Leadership Vision of four Women in Environment & Geospatial Fields
SERVIR-Amazonia and partners cordially invite you to attend a virtual webinar to discover the leadership vision of women in environment & geospatial fields.
Acordo de cooperação assinado com a SEMAS-Pará
Uma parceria para apoiar as ações de monitoramento do Centro Integrado de Geoprocessamento e Monitoramento Ambiental (Cimam) foi assinada, nesta sexta-feira (18), entre a Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade (Semas), Aliança Internacional para a Biodiversidade (Alliance of Bioversity International) e o CIAT.
Launch of first SERVIR-Amazonia service featured by NASA
As we celebrate the launch of the first geospatial service of SERVIR-Amazonia - Monitoring Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon - with Conservación Amazónica (ACCA), we thank USAID and NASA for their continuous support. NASA featured a related story today on their web...
Mapping soils in Ecuador, contributing from the ground to reimagine, recreate, and restore Earth’s ecosystems
For this years’ World Environment Day, SERVIR-Amazonia would like to highlight a geospatial service contributing to restore Earth’s ecosystems starting from Ecuadorian soil.
SEPAL forest restoration planning tool: Improving Strategic Decision Making in Forest Restoration
The restoration of forests and other key ecosystems is a major nature-based solution towards meeting a wide range of global development goals and national priorities, including Sustainable Development Goals, but the stakes are high and financial resources are limited.
SERVIR-Amazonia welcomes a new cohort of Subject Matter Experts
Tânia Pires, Vitor George, and Necoline Hubner are the new NASA-funded Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who will devote two months of their time over a six-month period, to help SERVIR-Amazonia address key issues important for service development.
SERVIR-Amazonia launches its service catalogue
SERVIR-Amazonia launched a service catalogue with an overview of the geospatial services that we are co-developing with our partners: Tailored, needs-based decision-support products (tools, data sets, training resources and capacity building activities) to improve environmental decision-making.
Earth Day 2021: SERVIR-Amazonia Turns to Climate Action
On Earth Day 2021, we are reminded that accurate and timely climate data are key to effectively inform decision-makers on water and ecosystem management, disaster preparedness, food security, energy provision and management, and land use planning issues. Successful risk management in these sectors requires precise and current climate information.
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