Social Inclusion
SERVIR-Amazonia fosters opportunities for indigenous communities and women to participate in the design and implementation of demand-driven geospatial services.
SERVIR-Amazonia is committed to increase the full potential of geospatial services and their benefits to the people and the environment of the Amazon by supporting communities in monitoring their territories and addressing the various challenges they face, such as deforestation, illegal mining, climate change, and biodiversity loss. In order to do so, it is important to have an inclusive vision that considers both the needs of local, often indigenous communities, and women. These actions can improve local capacity in the use and exploitation of satellite data and geospatial information to facilitate, strengthen, and promote sustainable natural resource management throughout the Amazon.
SERVIR-Amazonia is also committed to achieve greater inclusion, capacity, recruitment, and promotion of women GIS professionals in our partner organizations.
The social inclusion work at SERVIR-Amazonia aims to:
- Contribute to the empowerment of indigenous peoples and women by including their perspectives in the design and development of geospatial services and strengthen their capacity in the use of those services.
- Understand the potential gender dynamics of geospatial services in our 6 target countries and 4 thematic service areas
- Strengthen the capacity of women GIS professionals in our partner organizations
Current activities
Women in GIS leadership program
Objective: engage early career women with interests in geospatial careers to build their capacity through technical and soft skills training.
Status: Launched in June. Read more and participate
Partner: Arizona State University
Regional gender community of practice
Objective: Address women’s rights issues using geospatial information, empower local communities to generate positive impacts of GIS technologies.
Status: Ongoing
Partners: SERVIR-Amazonia Hub partners; AGENT Program/IUCN
Engagement with FENAMAD
Objective: Strengthen existing capacities to bolster and expand the monitoring and defense of several million hectares of indigenous territories in the Peruvian Amazon, including those of isolated indigenous peoples in their region.
Status: Ongoing
Partners: FENAMD, Conservación Amazónica (ACCA)
Case studies on gender inclusion in SERVIR-Amazonia’s geospatial services
Objective: Build evidence for gender integration, fill information gaps, and develop targeted resources and tools for gender integration in 3 services: Monitoring and Evaluation of Mangroves in Guyana; Monitoring of Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazonia; Qualifying the effects of forest changes on provision and regulationof ecosystems services.
Status: Ongoing
Partner: IUCN
Gender study
Objective: Understand the potential gender dynamics of geospatial services in our 6 target countries and 4 thematic service areas
Status: completed. Read about the report
SERVIR-Amazonia has engaged its partners and stakeholders in discussions to build a regional community of practice oriented to address women’s rights issues using geospatial tools and information, as well as to improve/increase the positive impacts of GIS technologies in the local amazon populations.
Marina Irigoyen, Gender Advisor
SERVIR-Amazonia is discussing opportunities with indigenous peoples organizations, specifically to respond to their needs of capacity building in geospatial technologies. This will allow them to monitor their ecosystems more efficiently, prevent illegal activities and respond to the threat of natural disasters.
Tomas Moore, Indigenous Peoples Advisor
Read more of SERVIR-Amazonia services with a social inclusion component
News about our work on social inclusion
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What we Read
- La ‘I Cumbre Amazónica de Periodismo y Cambio Climático 2022’ estará en la 9.ª edición de la Semana de América Latina y el Caribe
- Fulbright Amazonia Initiative 2022-2024
- #SERVIRAmazonia : 22 mujeres latinoamericanas SIG fortalecen sus capacidades de liderazgo y toma de decisiones en el trabajo, en la Universidad Estatal de Arizona
- Using your own data in CEO: Connecting GEE raster data
- Seeds of hope: How nature inspires scientists to confront climate change
- Home - Caribbean Meteorological Organization
- Home
- Ministry of Planning and Development
- Paper on Hybrid (EN)
- Lista Verde Amazonía