Conocimiento que conserva: Capacitando a los entrenadores SIG Peruanos
Nuestros aliados de Conservación Amazónica – ACCA y distintas organizaciones peruanas que cuentan con especialistas en el tema, tuvieron la oportunidad de recibir distintas capacitaciones durante el mes de setiembre, las cuales permitirán potenciar sus conocimientos...
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) at SERVIR-Amazonia: First insights and questions
SERVIR-Amazonia, the latest of five SERVIR Hubs developed a plan for monitoring and evaluating its intended outputs and expected results. The plan will serve as a management tool for systematically reviewing Program progress, troubleshooting implementation...
The first training on Ecosystem Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing
Written by Felipe José Cerignoni, IMAFLORA; Paula A. Paz, CIAT; Africa Flores, SERVIR- Amazonia The week of 13 -17 august was conducted the first in-person training on the Application of remote sensing of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in ecosystems, which took place...
Best time ever for remote-sensing professionals: About the State-of-the-Art Land Cover Change Methods workshop
If you have been following developments in Earth observation for land-use analysis in recent years, you would know there is a lot of excitement nowadays. Some remote-sensing professionals call it the best time ever. Starting with the United States Geological Survey’s...
Fostering an Ecosystem of Entrepreneurs for Bringing Space to Village
From the unprecedented number of fires throughout the Amazon to large-scale mercury contamination resulting from mining operations, the Amazon region is facing a series of challenges that are testing the best and brightest minds to help find solutions.
SERVIR-Amazonia assesses needs of stakeholders
First events in Peru united over 20 organizations working on geospatial information for environmental decision-making Read this Blog in Spanish Download the workshop report (in Spanish only) The SERVIR-Amazonia Program aims at providing unique opportunities for...
Voices: SERVIR-Amazonia Team launches Website
We are launching the SERVIR-Amazonia website in social media with a series of short video clips.
IMAFLORA to receive the first International Innovation Award for Sustainable Food and Agriculture
Congratulations to SERVIR-Amazonia partner Imaflora for receiving the first International Innovation Award for Sustainable Food and Agriculture awarded by FAO and the Federal Government of Switzerland. The top prize, which recognizes innovations that apply to more...
SERVIR experts on ecosystem management and land-use change attend 2019 GFW Summit
The 2019 Global Forest Watch (GFW) Summit, held in Washington DC this week, opened with a retrospective on how deforestation monitoring systems have matured since their broad development in the early 2010s. Several Latin America countries have their own dedicated...
MAAP: First large-scale Western Amazon Analysis
SERVIR-Amazonia partner ACCA releases the 100th MAAP report, presenting its first large-scale western Amazon analysis: Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and western Brazil. MAAP is a project of Amazon Conservation and Conservación Amazónica-ACCA whose joint mission is...
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