New data catalog for SERVIR-Amazonia
SERVIR-Amazonia’s data catalog was built on FAO’s Geonetwork open source platform, providing for standardized geospatial metadata and search capacity.
SERVIR-Amazonia launches online monitoring dashboard
This online dashboard has the double aim of providing public transparent communication on how the Program is doing and motivating our own reporting and monitoring by allowing us to see these crucial diagnostic numbers at a glance.
Agrilinks features article about SERVIR-Amazonia’s contribution to mangrove monitoring in Guyana
Agrilinks just featured a blog post on advances in the geospatial service co-development of a new mangrove monitoring and reporting system based on satellite remote-sensing led by SERVIR-Amazonia.
Academic Partner Network starts sharing opportunities for collaboration with 53 members
The webinar featured two speakers: Kátia Fernandes, Climate Scientist at the University of Arkansas and leader of the APN at SERVIR-Amazonia and Glenn Hyman, Data and Science Lead
SERVIR-Amazonia recruits short-term gender consultant
English Spanish Portuguese Context SERVIR-Amazonia seeks to understand better how women and indigenous populations have/are being integrated into development and science projects, policies and activities in the region. The purpose is to strengthen its vision and gain...
SERVIR-Amazonia launches the Academic Partner Network (APN)
SERVIR-Amazonia’s Consortium partner University of Arkansas (United States) is leading the implementation of the network. an ongoing effort to connect Amazonian Universities among themselves as well as with their counterparts in the United States.
Climate forecast points to an active fire season in the Western Amazon – interactive fire forecast tool now available
Central and southern Peru, northern Bolivia and the Brazilian states of Acre and Rondônia expected to be most affected
Reducing illegal gold mining in the tropical forests of Ghana and Peru: A forthcoming collaboration across the Atlantic
SERVIR-Amazonia and SERVIR-West Africa exchanging ideas and experiences on services for illegal mining detection.
A workshop in Ecuador generated 13 ideas of information services based on geospatial data to improve environmental decision-making
Citizen participation, a priority for attendants of the workshop in Ecuador
Job Opening: SERVIR-Amazonia – Science and Data Lead
Spatial Informatics Group (SIG) is searching for a Science and Data Lead for the SERVIR-Amazonia Program. The position is internationally recruited and ….
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