by SERVIR Team | Oct 6, 2021 | Brazil, Deforestation, Ecosystem Management, English, Gender, Services
Native women extractivists and farmers in the Amazon work with a diverse array of products. They harvest chestnuts, babassu, extract oils, produce cassava flour, fruit pulp, plant cocoa, pepper, produce handicrafts and cultivate many other types of food in their...
by SERVIR Team | Sep 13, 2021 | APN, Brazil, English, Events, Indigeneous People, Portuguese, Spanish
In this session of the Global Landscape Forum GLF Amazonía: The Tipping Point on September 22, SERVIR-Amazonia and partners explored how advancements in geospatial and Earth Observation technology are enhancing forest monitoring, disaster forecasting and...
by SERVIR Team | Aug 18, 2021 | Brazil, Deforestation, Drought and Fire, English, Events
Did you miss our webinar Fires in the Amazon: What You Need to Know in 2021? You can catch up now by seeing the full agenda, watching the full recording of the webinar, and download the presentations. Read the summary on the Website of Amazon...
by SERVIR Team | Aug 3, 2021 | Brazil, Drought and Fire, English, Peru, Portuguese
Authors: Kátia Fernandes, Douglas...
by SERVIR Team | Aug 2, 2021 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Events, Gender, Indigeneous People, Spanish
In the interest of understanding the experiences and perspectives of indigenous women leaders of the Amazon, we propose a conversation with 5 prominent representatives of different countries of the Amazon. The webinar aims at discussing how they have managed to face...
by SERVIR Team | Jul 9, 2021 | Brazil, Drought and Fire, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Stakeholder engagement
O Governo de Roraima, por meio da Femarh (Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos), assinad parceria para apoiar as ações de monitoramento e georreferenciamento das áreas do Estado. A parceria fornecerá soluções por meio da utilização de dados ópticos e...