by Carmen Calle | Apr 13, 2023 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Events, Peru
In March, a four-day collaborative meeting took place at the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT in Palmira, Colombia, that brought together in one place, the geographic information systems, and technology (GIS/GIT) specialists from the SERVIR-Amazonia...
by Carmen Calle | Feb 24, 2023 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Gender, Peru
According to recent UN data, women still represent only 28% of graduates globally in engineering and 40% in information technology and computing. This means a significant gender gap in STEM careers (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) exists, with only...
by sophie alvarez | Dec 22, 2022 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, English, MEL, Peru
By Sophie Alvarez and Carmen Calle, respectively M&E and Communications leaders in SERVIR-Amazonia, with contributions from Mayesse da Silva, Javier Martin, Jorge Luis Sanchez, Karina Sanchez, Rodrigo Torres, Andrea Puzzi- Nicolau, and Ana María Acosta. To end...
by SERVIR Team | Aug 31, 2022 | Ecuador, English
50% of Ecuador’s soils are being degraded. This situation demands special attention, as it leads to the reduction of water sources and increases vulnerability to climatic events in agriculture, which puts food security at risk. Faced with this challenge, a...
by SERVIR Team | Apr 18, 2022 | Capacity Development, Ecuador, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Stakeholder engagement, User engagement, Water Resources and Extreme Events
Los días 7 y 8 de abril la Fundación EcoCiencia recibió en Quito, Ecuador la visita técnica de una delegación de SERVIR-Amazonia: Dr. Jim Nelson, líder del Applied Science Team AST Agua y Desastres Relacionados con el Agua, acompañado por Jorge Luis Sánchez,...
by SERVIR Team | Mar 24, 2022 | Brazil, Drought and Fire, Ecosystem Management, Ecuador, English, Hydro-climatic disasters, Peru, Portuguese, Services, Spanish
In their last year of collaboration with SERVIR-Amazonia, the first cohort of Applied Science Teams (ASTs) aims to complete services with partners in the Amazon. ASTs support SERVIR in developing science applications for international development through the use of...