by SERVIR Team | May 5, 2020 | APN, Capacity Development, English, Portuguese, Spanish
On May 5, 2020 the Academic Partner Network (APN) hold its first Webinar. Since the invitation was launched, 76 interested participants signed up for this network, and 53 joined the webinar today. The webinar featured two speakers: Kátia Fernandes, Climate Scientist...
by Simone Staiger | Apr 16, 2020 | APN, Capacity Development, English, Portuguese, Spanish
The Amazon Basin, one of the planet’s most precious environmental reserves, is under threat from adverse human activities and a changing climate. The resulting forest loss, increasingly contaminated water, and exposure of local communities to unprecedented fires and...
by Simone Staiger | Mar 19, 2020 | Capacity Development, Ecuador, Spanish, Stakeholder engagement
Participación ciudadana, una prioridad para participantes del taller Descargue el informe del taller en PDF Lea este blog post en inglés Durante los días 9 y 10 de marzo 2020 se desarrolló en Quito, Ecuador el taller de “Consulta de Necesidades de Usuarios del...
by Simone Staiger | Mar 18, 2020 | APN, Capacity Development, Colombia, English, Spanish
La colaboración promoverá el intercambio de experiencias y conocimiento en materia de investigación, innovación y monitoreo de la minería ilegal La Universidad del Rosario y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) firmaron un Memorandum de Entendimiento...
by Simone Staiger | Jan 29, 2020 | Capacity Development, Deforestation, English, Services
Mean high tides exceed land elevation by as much as 2 m along the Guyana coast. With rising sea levels due to climate change, the country expects more intensive flooding, saltwater intrusion and related problems throughout the coastal lowlands. Mangrove forests serve...
by Simone Staiger | Dec 18, 2019 | Capacity Development, Colombia, Deforestation, Peru, Spanish
Como parte de las actividades de fortalecimiento de capacidades del programa SERVIR-Amazonia, especialistas de la red internacional de NASA estuvieron en Lima, Perú y Bogotá, Colombia en talleres gemelos, para compartir sus conocimientos en el procesamiento y análisis...