by SERVIR Team | Jun 18, 2021 | Brazil, Drought and Fire, Ecosystem Management, English, Portuguese, Spanish
Detectar a possibilidade de incêndios, desmatamento e garimpos ilegais no Pará são focos dos serviços firmados na parceria Uma parceria para apoiar as ações de monitoramento do Centro Integrado de Geoprocessamento e Monitoramento Ambiental (Cimam) foi assinada, nesta...
by SERVIR Team | May 6, 2021 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, English, Guyana, Portuguese, Spanish
In our most recent newsletter, SERVIR-Amazonia launched a service catalogue with an overview of the geospatial services that we are co-developing with our partners. Over the last two years, we have brought diverse stakeholders from Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and...
by SERVIR Team | Apr 19, 2021 | Brazil, Drought and Fire, Ecosystem Management, English, Hydro-climatic disasters, Portuguese, Services, Spanish, Stakeholder engagement
Brazil is one of the six countries of the Amazon basin covered by SERVIR-Amazonia, including Colombia, Peru, Guyana, Ecuador, Suriname. Needs-based services In line with its service co-development approach, SERVIR-Amazonia is bringing diverse Brazilian stakeholders...
by SERVIR Team | Mar 30, 2021 | Brazil, Ecosystem Management, English, Portuguese, Services, Spanish
Estabelecer um serviço de mapeamento dos Sistemas Agroflorestais e da agricultura perene no estado do Pará é o que busca a parceria que a Embrapa Amazônia Oriental acaba de firmar com o programa Servir-Amazônia. O programa reúne tecnologia geoespacial de ponta que...
by SERVIR Team | Mar 23, 2021 | Brazil, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Stakeholder engagement
Com a participação da Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (Usaid), da Administração Nacional da Aeronáutica e do Espaço (Nasa), foi assinado nesta quarta-feira, 17, o memorando de entendimento entre o governo do Estado, por meio da...
by SERVIR Team | Jan 30, 2021 | APN, Brazil, Capacity Development, Drought and Fire, English, Spanish
Through the years, Amazon forests have been cut for timber extraction, mining and farming activities to support local, regional and national livelihoods. Meanwhile, the increasing environmental disturbances that the forest has suffered in these past years have been...