por Carmen Calle | Ago 21, 2023 | Brazil, Capacity Development, Caribbean, Climate Change, Colombia, Colombia, Communications, Ecuador, Guyana, Guyana, Monitoring, Peru, Spanish, Sustainability
Bill Nelson, Administrador de la NASA y ex senador de los Estados Unidos, visitó el campus de la Alianza de Bioversity International y CIAT en Palmira, Colombia, a principios de agosto. Acompañado por una delegación de la agencia espacial, representantes de la Agencia...
por SERVIR Team | Feb 3, 2022 | Communications, English, Gender, MEL, Portuguese, Spanish
It is very rare to hear of a team implementing a research for development project that receives all the necessary support to successfully execute planned activities and achieve expected results. At SERVIR-Amazonia we can say we did! Since our first months functioning...
por SERVIR Team | Nov 20, 2021 | Communications, English
La comunicación es un vehículo clave para aumentar la presencia del Programa entre las partes interesadas. Las actividades del tercer año se centraron en tres objetivos: 1) Comunicar ampliamente los codesarrollos de los servicios en los canales del programa, socios,...
por SERVIR Team | Ago 17, 2020 | Communications, English, Portuguese, Spanish
Co-authors of this Blog: Simone Staiger (Alliance Bioversity-CIAT), Sophie Alvarez (Consultant and facilitator), Priscila Mantelatto (Imaflora), Adriana Varón (Alliance Bioversity-CIAT), Camila Alomía, Milagros Becerra (both ACCA), Kelsey Herndon (NASA) “NASA’s...
por Simone Staiger | Sep 10, 2019 | Communications, Deforestación, Drought and Fire, English
SERVIR-Amazonia, an initiative of USAID and NASA, shares the Amazonian population’s concerns in regards to the impacts of fires currently affecting the Region, and renews its commitment to collaborate with populations, governments, research institutions, international...