To make visible the work of women in spatial data science and how they use it in their work, R-Ladies and Fundación EcoCiencia, as part of the commemoration of Women’s Day, held the event “Women in Spatial Data Science”, on May 7, 2024. 

The invited speakers were: María Gabriela Davila (researcher at One Health UDLA), Gabriela Mora (Spatial Data Scientist at Telefónica), Carolina García (GIS Specialist at EcoCiencia), Lorena Caiza (GIS Analyst at EcoCiencia) and Renata Mantilla (consultant at EcoCiencia).

Participation in the presentation organized by R-Ladies and the EcoCiencia Foundation, in commemoration of Women’s Day.

The meeting, held in Ecuador, served to launch the research paper “Women of the Mangrove: Agency, Care and Sustaining of Life in the Gulf of Guayaquil”, which shows the work of crab and fishing women from the rural and peripheral neighborhoods of the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. During this event, the MANGLEE application was presented to the participants, a platform developed within the framework of the SERVIR-Amazonia work in the region, which allows accessible and free monitoring of mangroves for researchers, managers and other actors linked to this ecosystem.

Click the link to learn more (Spanish):

For more information please contact: Sandra Terán (GESI Coordinator)