Highlights of the SERVIR Annual Global Exchange SAGE 2021
This year SERVIR-Amazonia participated in its second SERVIR Annual Global Exchange (SAGE), a yearly forum for exploring innovations in the use of Earth observation information to address global development challenges. The virtual exchange had the theme “Building A...
New features on Collect Earth Online: Project editing, basemaps from Planet and more
The Collect Earth Online team, including Karis Tenneson from Spatial Informatics Group, is excited to highlight a number of new features that have been launched.
Acre oficializa parceria com instituições internacionais e terá mais tecnologia para monitoramento ambiental
Este é o primeiro convênio firmado no Brasil no âmbito do programa SERVIR-Amazonia. Esta colaboração irá fornecer soluções através da utilização de dados ópticos e sensores remotos, para tornar mais eficiente o monitoramento de ecossistemas, cobertura e uso do solo, bem como fenômenos hidroclimáticos.
SERVIR-Amazonia takes mangrove monitoring to next level by signing collaborative agreement with University of Guyana
This month, SERVIR-Amazonia adds to its collaboration with Guyana by celebrating an MOU with the University of Guyana to enhance the monitoring of the country’s ecosystems, and include academic research.
NASA’s Earth Observatory features the Amazon Dashboard in a 2020 fire season review
After intense fires in the Amazon captured global attention in 2019, fires again raged throughout the region in 2020. According to an analysis of satellite data from NASA’s Amazon dashboard, the 2020 fire season was actually more severe by some key measures.
Training: A successful strategy of SERVIR-Amazonia to engage with partners and co-develop geospatial information services
different training aspects and what they perceive to be applicable to their work. On a 5 point scale, average ratings for year 2 training events are over 4.0 with high marks for usefulness and applicability.
Guyana’s NAREI seeks high tech solutions with SERVIR-Amazonia to better manage its fragile mangrove environment
Mangrove forests make up much of the coast of Guyana and they are under threat from growing population and land-use change. In response, an international collaboration with NASA is developing high tech solutions to better manage this fragile environment.
Women and GIS – the key factors to successfully co-develop geospatial services
At SERVIR-Amazonia, women researchers are a key factor to advance the regional strategy; their knowledge builds up and helps finding new solutions to the problems faced in the way towards protecting natural resources in rural and indigenous communities of the Amazon basin.
Equipe de tecnologia da informação geoespacial do SERVIR-Amazônia: Contato ativo com os parceiros do Programa
Centralizar para compartilhar, essa poderia ser uma curta definição do trabalho que, desde meados de 2020, vem sendo realizado pela equipe de tecnologia da informação geoespacial (GIT, sigla em inglês) do Hub SERVIR-Amazônia.
Aumentando a Conservação da Floresta Amazônica com Softwares GeoEspaciais
Com o intutio de preencher lacunas na organização, gerenciamento, processamento e exibição de dados espaciais e, ainda, tornar mais fácil transformá-los em informações valiosas para a tomada de decisão sobre desmatamento, incêndios florestais, extração ilegal de madeira e outras ameaças socioambientais, o SERVIR-Amazonia sediou um treinamento virtual sobre o uso do banco de dados PostgreSQL / PostGIS. Tomás Carvalho e Felipe Cerignoni, Analistas Geoespaciais do Imaflora, lideraram 26 participantes no uso do banco de dados PostgreSQL / PostGIS, incluindo sua integração com o software QGIS, para apresentar os serviços Amazon Dashboard e Origens.