A series of workshops on the use of the GEOGloWS portals (jointly developed as part of the Applied Science Team or AST led by investigator Jim Nelson to provide scientific data to decision-makers) held between June 12 and 15 was given to government institutions that monitor climatological and hydrological events at CEMADEN in Brazil, INAMHI in Ecuador, SENAMHI in Peru, and IDEAM in Colombia.

Training workshop held at the offices of the Natural Disaster Monitoring and Warnings National Center (CEMADEN in Portuguese) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Photo: CEMADEN.
These workshops will allow participants to explore the GEOGloWS platform applications that have been developed for specific purposes for each country. In this way, they will be able to manage the applications and identify useful data and information for their own activities. They were also shown how to use and maintain the portals independently. Additionally, it is expected that the trainees help identify new internal and external users of the applications to reach a wider audience of active users for the platforms.

With more than 170 participants in-person and virtually, the presentation for the technical team of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMHI in Spanish) was held in Quito, Ecuador. Photo: Fundación EcoCiencia.
The training and demonstrations were conducted in person and online, led by Jorge Luis Sanchez, a doctoral candidate and visiting researcher from CIAT at Brigham Young University, who was part of the original AST that developed this service at a regional level.

During the sessions, the Hydroviewer, Historical Validation Tool, National Water Level Forecast, and Water Mapping App tools and applications configured according to the needs of each entity in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia were also presented. Image: SERVIR-Amazonia.
Through these workshops, the SERVIR-Amazonia Program seeks to develop tools, products, and services that will enable countries in the Amazon basin to improve environmental decision-making for the protection and progress of the region.

The technical team delivered the demonstration workshop at the facilities of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies (IDEAM in Spanish) in Bogota, Colombia. Photo: IDEAM.
In recent years, with the support of CEMADEN, INAMHI, SENAMHI, and IDEAM, the Program has been developing a series of web applications that are designed to improve hydrological and meteorological forecasting capabilities in collaboration with the local partners in each country: Imaflora in Brazil, Fundación EcoCiencia in Ecuador, Conservación Amazónica – ACCA in Peru, and Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT in Colombia.