SERVIR-Amazonia’s people aim to prevent and mitigate the impact related to climate change, large infrastructure projects and related development activities in the Amazon region.

Alvaro Paz
Program Director (CIAT)
Alvaro is the Project Director of SERVIR-Amazonia. With over two decades of experience in research and development, Álvaro has led projects across Latin America, Africa, and Asia, focusing on areas like biodiversity conservation, agriculture, and food security. He has managed large-scale portfolios for international donors, such as IDRC, SDC, and DFID, and has advised UN institutions like WFP and IFAD on technological transformation and scaling innovations. An agronomist with advanced degrees in agricultural productivity and resource economics, Álvaro is also trained in project management and business analysis. He enjoys mountaineering, trekking, and diving.

Louis Verchot
Senior Scientist (CIAT)
Louis is a forester with over 30 years of experience in the tropics. He leads CIAT’s research program on restoration of degraded lands with research interests in issues related to land use change, deforestation, and agroforestry contributions to climate change, monitoring greenhouse gas emissions, and restoration of ecosystem processes.

Alejandra Leiva
Financial and Administrative Support (CIAT)
With more than 20 years of administrative experience, Alejandra has been working with the SERVIR-Amazonia team since its inception, providing support in a proactive, organized and committed manner, guaranteeing the proper scientific and managerial execution of the Program.

Ginna Ortiz
Program Coordinator (CIAT)
Ginna has 20 years of experience in social and sustainable development, and she is a passionate and skilled professional who strives to facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships, design and manage impactful projects, and promote gender equality and inclusion in diverse contexts. She is an Anthropologist with a Master of Arts in Development Studies, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Gender Studies. Experience across Latin America, Africa, and Europe, with state and non-state sectors, national, international, and multilateral agencies, and vulnerable groups.

Ana Belen Torres Silva
Finance and Administrative Coordinator/Contracts and Grants Manager (Consultant) (CIAT)
Ana is a Colombian national, a business manager who specializes in finance. She has more than 18 years’ experience in administrative and financial management, grants and contracts, structuring and development of projects and strategic alliances in financial development programs for the American agency for international development (USAID) in Colombia. She has the skills to plan, coordinate and manage actions, and build harmonious and efficient work teams. She speaks Spanish and English.

Rocío Díaz
GIT Coordinator (CIAT)
Rocío holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences. She is a Geographer with a Master’s Degree in Spatial Analysis and Geoinformatics, and has experience in consulting, formulation, implementation, management and monitoring of projects, plans and programs in the environmental sector and territorial planning, with an emphasis on disaster risk management. She has experience in coordination of multidisciplinary teams, implementation of knowledge transfer strategies for the collective construction of territorial action routes, formulation of projects with a participatory approach, design and monitoring of action plans.

Brian Zutta
Science and Data Lead (SIG)
Brian is a multidisciplinary scientist with expertise in ecology, plant ecophysiology and remote sensing. His most recent work focuses on predictive geospatial modeling, deforestation and forest degradation monitoring, and bridging the gap between science and policy in Latina America. For several years, he served as the coordinator of the MRV and national forest monitoring system for REDD+ of the Ministry of the Environment of Peru.

José Leandro Fernandes
User Engagement (Imaflora)
José Leandro Fernandes is the User Engagement Lead of SERVIR Amazonia. He is an experienced international development professional who has worked on major international programs, funded by USAID, IDB/BID and UN, coordinating projects, and providing services in the areas of economic development, urban sustainability and environmental management.

Ana María Acosta
Communications Regional Coordinator (Fundación EcoCiencia)
Ana María is a Social Communicator and Journalist, and holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Communications. She has more than 20 years of experience in the region in the area of organizational communication, public relations, marketing and graphic design. She has extensive experience in the formulation and implementation of communication strategies for governmental, non-governmental and international organizations. Ana María has also been an external consultant for several foundations and projects addressing issues of adaptation to climate change, knowledge management and visibility of projects on environmental issues.

Julio Acosta
MEL & Capacity Building Coordinator (ACCA)
Julio has a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and a Master of Science in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management. He has more than 8 years of experience working in the Peruvian Amazon, in various conservation projects with local communities and indigenous peoples. He has worked on geographic information systems, biodiversity monitoring, protected areas and biodiversity data management, as well as monitoring and formulation of conservation projects.

Sandra Terán
GESI (Gender Equality & Social Inclusion) Coordinator
Sandra is a Geographical Engineer, with a mention in Sustainable Development and Land Management, from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; Master in “Energy Science and Policy” at Ajou University – South Korea; and Master in GIS and Systems at Salzburg University. During her professional career, she acquired extensive experience in the management of GIS (open source and ARCGIS), management of spatial data infrastructure, digital processing of satellite images (remote sensors), projects related to conservation of forests under a REDD + approach, monitoring and evaluation of conservation areas at the national level, land use planning, natural resource management and sustainable forestry (timber and non-timber products), bio-economy, and renewable energies.

Kevin Fox
Agreement Office Representative (USAID)
Commissioned member of the United States Foreign Service, development practitioner and international business professional with 25 years of experience managing a wide range of projects, programs and/or operations in seventeen different countries/territories on four continents. He joined USAID in 2009 and have since served in five overseas FSO assignments within four technical backstops (Private Enterprise BS-21, Agriculture BS-10, General Development BS-12, and Natural Resources BS-40).

Vanesa Martín
Earth System Science Center Research Associate, University of Alabama
Vanesa’s research interests include the applications of optical and radar data for land use monitoring, food security, and biodiversity in Latin America. Her current work assesses how water quality in Belize may be affected by projected land cover and climate change impacts. She is also involved with the SAR-CBC project, which seeks to build capacity in Latin American partner institutions to use SAR data to carry out hazard monitoring.

David Saah
Professor (University of San Francisco) and Senior Scientist (SIG)
David has been trained as an environmental scientist with expertise in landscape ecology, ecosystem ecology, hydrology, geomorphology, ecosystem modeling, natural hazard modeling, remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and geospatial analysis. He has used these skills to conduct research primarily at the landscape level in a variety of systems.

Karis Tenneson
Environmental Scientist (SIG)
Karis is an environmental scientist with expertise in ecology, statistics, remote sensing and GIS, and urban planning. Most recently her work has focused on monitoring land-use and land cover changes using, collaborative development of remote sensing-based decision support tools, building capacity for generating activity data for REDD+ and greenhouse gas inventories, assessing ecosystem services, and scenario planning. She has been managing the co-development of the regional land cover monitoring system with the SERVIR Mekong and Hindu Kush Himalaya hubs.

Andrea Puzzi
Geospatial Analyst
Andrea holds a master’s degree in Earth System Science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. She is involved in the Mangrove monitoring project in Guyana by providing project coordination and technical/scientific support on capacity building for the prospective development of a tool for mangrove mapping and monitoring in Guyana. Support on trainings focused on geospatial analyses and algorithms using Optical and SAR datasets, Jupyter Notebooks, and Google Earth Engine. Among her areas of expertise there are key ones, such as Geospatial analysis, Remote sensing, Cloud based remote sensing and modelling, Image processing, and Machine learning.

Sidney Novoa
Project Manager (ACCA)

Osmar Yupanqui
GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist (ACCA)
Forestry Engineer from the National Agrarian University La Molina. He specializes in environmental monitoring and geoinformatics. Previously he worked on palm oil monitoring in the regions of Loreto, Ucayali, Huánuco and San Martín for the years 2016-2020, and published his results in the scientific journal Xilema. In addition, he has also worked on the validation of Mapbiomas Amazonia collection 2 for the countries: Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. He has published a thesis on selective logging monitoring in the Ucayali region using machine learning and remote sensing optical images. Currently, for ACCA he has contributed to the publication of 5 MAAP reports and provides technical support for the RAMI platform.

Carla Zavala
Head of Communications and Institutional Image
Carla is a Social Communicator with a specialization in public administration and social management, with more than 20 years of experience in the field of communications and environmental conservation. Her career includes a strong focus on citizen participation, management of social conflicts and work with indigenous peoples. She has assumed leadership and advisory roles in various sectors, with an emphasis on the environmental field. Her extensive experience includes the creation of communication plans and strategies, development of awareness campaigns, content generation, event organization and management of relations with the press and media. As Head of Communications and Institutional Image at Amazon Conservation – ACCA, she promotes awareness and communication initiatives to promote sustainable practices and the conservation of biodiversity.

Marvin Quispe
GIS & Remote sensing Specialist
Marvin is an Environmental Engineer with experience on Remote Sensing, GIS and the use of programming languages applied to spatial analysis and environmental sciences. He has developed projects and research in hydroinformatics, environmental numerical modeling, water resources in mining and Internet of things.

Isabel Garcia-Drigo
Gender and Indigenous People (IMAFLORA)
Isabel is a project coordinator of the Climate and Agriculture Supply Chain Initiative of IMAFLORA. Working at IMAFLORA since 2017, she focuses on governance issues of sustainable landscapes, monitoring, verification, and certification system at forestry and agriculture, natural capital studies. As a social auditor and FSC member, she works with gender and indigenous people issues.

Renata Andres
Senior Project and Services Coordinator – Data and Territorial Intelligence (IMAFLORA)
Professional with a degree in Business Administration and Management, History and specialization in Integrated Management (ISO 9001, ISO 14000, OSHAS, ISO 260000) and MBA in Project Management. Senior Project Coordinator at Imaflora, with more than 15 years of experience in different areas of specialization, including socio-environmental certification, climate change, international relations, quality management, social responsibility, innovation and data management. He has worked with different certification programs, such as Organic (USDA/NOP, UE, JAS, Brazil, IFOAM), Demeter, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and Rainforest Alliance. He has extensive experience in coordinating projects with multiple interested parties and, over the last few years, has worked on Climate and Emissions, MEL and Territorial Intelligence and Imaflora Data projects.

Caroline Salomao
Scientific Technical Consultant (IMAFLORA)
Caroline has a degree in Business Administration and Environmental Engineering, with a master’s in Modelling and Analysis of Environmental Systems. Currently, she is a doctoral researcher working on Water Resources at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and IRI THESys/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Before her PhD, she was working in research institutes linked to Universities and in NGOs, together with farmers and official agencies, especially in the Brazilian Legal Amazon and Atlantic Forest. There she developed spatial, statistical and econometric models to identify and predict deforestation, forest restoration and suitable agricultural areas, and also worked to engage different stakeholders (farmers, local governments, federations, companies and financial institutions) in projects that aimed improve cattle ranching and agricultural systems (intensification, technical assistance, etc.), and remunerate the farmers per surplus native vegation and carbon stocks. She also collaborated in the creation and analysis of public policies related to the protection of natural resources.

Matheus Barros
Senior Data Intelligence Analyst (IMAFLORA)
Professional in Environmental Engineering with a Master’s degree in Geospatial Technologies and specializations in Geosciences, GIS and Environmental Law. His experience includes key roles in GIS, digital innovation and development of geospatial solutions, highlighting the use of tools such as ArcGIS, QGIS and AutoCAD, as well as programming languages (PYTHON, R, JavaScript). Its trajectory is marked by collaboration in multicultural and international teams, with a focus on the creation of sustainable solutions through the intersection between technology and the environment.

Carmen Josse
Executive Director (Fundación EcoCiencia)
Carmen holds a PhD in Biological Sciences with a specialty in vegetation and biogeography. Her experience lies in producing and managing information on biodiversity to support its planning processes, management and conservation policies. Carmen handles methods and products for classification, mapping and evaluation of ecosystems at the national level and throughout Latin America. She has experience with georeferenced tools for evaluating the adaptation of ecosystems to climate change, quantitative analysis of threats and monitoring of conservation objectives.

Rodrigo Torres Muñoz
Coordinator Geography Unit (Fundación EcoCiencia)
Rodrigo is a geographer and environmental engineer from the Military Polytechnic School of Ecuador, and has a master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Salzburg-Austria. He has experience as a GIS specialist in the production of land use and deforestation maps for the Ecuadorian Amazon. He is in charge of managing the spatial component of EcoCiencia projects, with emphasis on the Amazon Geo-Referenced Socio-Environmental Information Network (RAISG), including projects that entail the collection and processing of georeferenced data, pressure analysis, and the generation of thematic maps. In addition, Rodrigo supports the MapBiomas Amazonía project.

Juseth Chancay
Hydrologist (Fundación EcoCiencia)
Juseth is a Water Science Engineer. He is interested in Hydrological Modelling and its application for flood forecasting systems, especially in ungauged basins of the Andean-Amazon region. Likewise, he has collaborated on different projects of integrated water resources management and comprehensive assessment of freshwater ecosystems over Ecuador.

Lorena Caiza
GIS specialist (Fundación EcoCiencia)
Lorena is a Geographical and Environmental Engineer. During the last years she has worked in the automation of processes for the monitoring of forest dynamics, integrating artificial intelligence and teledetection, using SAR and UAV data together with passive sensors to support sustainable forest management. He is currently working on the development of services for CIIFEN.

Benjamin Zaitchik
Applied Science Team (John Hopkins University)
Benjamin Zaitchik (PhD) is an associate professor in the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, United States. His research addresses hydroclimatic variability across a range of spatial and temporal scales, including work on heatwaves, the urban heat island, and flash droughts.

Izaya Numata
Applied Science Team (San Diego State University)

Michael Keller
Applied Science Team (US Forest Service)

Naiara Pinto
Applied Science Team (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Naiara Pinto is a landscape ecologist with the Radar Division at NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. As the science coordinator for the UAVSAR instrument, she enjoys developing data recipes to help researchers take advantage of new radar technology. For her research, Naiara employs field and remote sensing observations to characterize forest fragmentation in the context of agricultural expansion. In the last 10 years, Naiara has helped develop approaches to characterize forest 3D structure with Lidar and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Naiara is a Brazilian national and looks forward to working with SERVIR-Amazonia to refine agriculture and forest disturbance maps. One of the objectives of her project is to produce an online tool to support Zero Deforestation certification.