por SERVIR Team | fev 15, 2021 | Deforestation, Ecosystem Management, English, Guyana, Portuguese, Spanish, Stakeholder engagement
Guyana coastal area. Photo credit: NAREI Mangrove forests make up much of the coast of Guyana and they are under threat from growing population and land-use change. Because much of the coast of Guyana is below sea level, the mangroves serve as a natural barrier...
por SERVIR Team | ago 27, 2020 | Capacity Development, Deforestation, English, Portuguese, Spanish
Cada año se deforestan 150 mil hectáreas de bosques en Perú. Entre las principales causas está la minería aurífera, la cual afecta principalmente al sureste de la Amazonía peruana. Con el fin de enfrentar tales amenazas, el Programa SERVIR-Amazonia, junto con...
por SERVIR Team | ago 24, 2020 | APN, Capacity Development, Deforestation, English, Portuguese, Spanish
NASA Earth Science / Applied Science publishes an article on how SERVIR leverages Amazon Web Services resources to help protect the Amazon Rain forest. The article features how SERVIR-Amazonia is training scientists to monitor forests without face-to-face meetings....
por Simone Staiger | dez 4, 2019 | Brazil, Deforestation, Drought and Fire, Ecosystem Management, Portuguese
As equipes de Ciência Aplicada apoiam o SERVIR no desenvolvimento de aplicações científicas para o desenvolvimento internacional através do uso de observações da Terra. Os membros da equipe realizam pesquisas, desenvolvimento de aplicativos e testes, e participam do...
por Simone Staiger | set 10, 2019 | Communications, Deforestation, Drought and Fire, English, Portuguese, Spanish
SERVIR-Amazonia, an initiative of USAID and NASA, shares the Amazonian population’s concerns in regards to the impacts of fires currently affecting the Region, and renews its commitment to collaborate with populations, governments, research institutions, international...
por Simone Staiger | set 3, 2019 | Deforestation, Drought and Fire, Indigeneous People, Spanish
Fires now burning in the Amazon, particularly Brazil and Bolivia, have become headline news and a viral topic on social media. Yet little information exists on the impact on the Amazon rainforest itself, as many of the detected fires originate in or near agricultural...