por Simone Staiger | out 11, 2019 | Ecosystem Management, English, Services
To allow countries of the Amazon basin to improve environmental decision-making using geospatial data and information, SERVIR-Amazonia works with regional partners to understand needs, and then to translate these needs into the development of tools, products and...
por Simone Staiger | set 10, 2019 | Communications, Deforestation, Drought and Fire, English, Portuguese, Spanish
SERVIR-Amazonia, an initiative of USAID and NASA, shares the Amazonian population’s concerns in regards to the impacts of fires currently affecting the Region, and renews its commitment to collaborate with populations, governments, research institutions, international...
por Simone Staiger | set 6, 2019 | Capacity Development, English, Events, Peru, Spanish
Nuestros aliados de Conservación Amazónica – ACCA y distintas organizaciones peruanas que cuentan con especialistas en el tema, tuvieron la oportunidad de recibir distintas capacitaciones durante el mes de setiembre, las cuales permitirán potenciar sus conocimientos...
por Simone Staiger | set 4, 2019 | English, MEL
SERVIR-Amazonia, the latest of five SERVIR Hubs developed a plan for monitoring and evaluating its intended outputs and expected results. The plan will serve as a management tool for systematically reviewing Program progress, troubleshooting implementation...
por Simone Staiger | set 3, 2019 | Deforestation, Drought and Fire, Indigeneous People, Spanish
Fires now burning in the Amazon, particularly Brazil and Bolivia, have become headline news and a viral topic on social media. Yet little information exists on the impact on the Amazon rainforest itself, as many of the detected fires originate in or near agricultural...